QGIS on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr
I’ve have started working nearly 100%, outside of work, in Ubuntu. I was running Ubuntu 13.10 so naturally I decided to upgrade to 14.04. My experience has been positive for the most part, but after the upgrade I was having issues with my install of QGIS 2.2. Python – QGIS was not installing so I was not able to install any Plugins So after some digging I finally discovered that my “Software & Updates” repository for QGIS was still pointing to the Saucy Salamander (Ubuntu 13.10) package. So I changed my repository to the Trusty Tahr (Ubuntu 14.04), and then I opened the terminal and re-installed QGIS with:
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install qgis $sudo apt-get install python-qgis
And then VOLIÀ! I opened QGIS Desktop and I could add Plugins again. Hope this info helps to get Plugins working in QGIS on Ubuntu 14.04!
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